Friday, July 26, 2013

When they're happy...we're happy: Part 4

We all want the best for our pets. We either rescued them from bad conditions, took them off a friend's hands, or found them through a local or far away breeder. How ever we obtained our companions we want to make the best home for them. In this post, we will highlight the most common ways to create a happy pet environment for pet birds. Poor living conditions can result in bad behavior, unclean surroundings, and even health complications. This post is the final post in a series of 4 in which we will highlight the most common tips for enriching the life of parrot species birds.
DIET - parrot species
Diet choices range depending on the type of bird you have and their life stage. For most parrot species (parakeets, macaws, cockatiels, ect.) the recommended diet is as follows:
80% pelleted diet -  Zupreem Natural or Harrison brands
20% darkly pigmented veggies
Nuts and fruits should only be given as treats
Feeding seed or grit can cause obstructions and complicate your parrot's health.
It is very important to consult your Avian veterinarian about the best diet for your bird.
If possible, it is important for birds to receive 8hrs of UVB light each day (natural unfiltered sunlight or a UVB lamp).
If you are letting your bird spend time outdoors they must be supervised in a safe enclosure, out of direct sunlight, to avoid dangers such as:
Predators (haws, cats, dogs)
 Heat stroke
Flying into screen doors and windows
Space - Birds need room to stretch our wings fully and, if flighted, need room to fly around their enclosure.
Their bedding should consist of newspaper or paper towels and this should be changed daily
Your pet bird's enclosure should contain items for enrichment as well as perches.
Perches should vary in texture and girth. Braided rope perches are ideal for arthritic birds.
There are multiple items you can place in your bird's enclosure to keep them occupied and enriched.
NO painted metal
NO sand paper
One of the best things you can do for your pet bird is seek Avian Veterinary advice about diet, yearly exams, fecal checks, and blood work. Birds will hide their ailments, and it may be too late by the time you see abnormal behavior or symptoms.
The very idea of a bird is a symbol and a suggestion to the poet. A bird seems to be at the top of the scale, so vehement and intense his life. . . . The beautiful vagabonds, endowed with every grace, masters of all climes, and knowing no bounds -- how many human aspirations are realized in their free, holiday-lives -- and how many suggestions to the poet in their flight and song!
John Burroughs

Sources: Audrey Siegrist DVM - specializing in avian, reptile, and other exotic species veterinary medicine 

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